Home X Archief 3DS/2DS Nieuws Sakurai reageert op online lag Supe Smash Bros.

Sakurai reageert op online lag Supe Smash Bros.

super_smash_bros_for_wii_u_screenshot_april_10-656x369Sakurai reageert op de klachten betreft de lag in de Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. online modus.

Als je Super Smash Bros. for 3DS in huis hebt gehaald en deze online speelt, heb je het volgende vast al meermalen meegemaakt: lag. Er zijn bij Nintendo diverse meldingen binnengekomen dat het online gedeelte van Super Smash Bros. met enige regelmaat om de haverklap moet laden, of even geheel vastloopt. Momenteel wordt er gewerkt aan een oplossing, maar dit heeft tijd nodig. Ondertussen stelt Sakurai ons op de hoogte betreft het probleem.

Connectivity can depend heavily on location so I really don’t know what to say. At the very least, we’ve confirmed that smooth play is possible under various conditions of external networks. During multi-player, you’re connected with another player and sending light amounts of data back and forth, so if the game feels laggy, it’s due to the connection speed. If you play when it’s laggy, then the person you’re playing with will experience the same lag, so it’s best to play when the connection is clear. During development, there were cases where we had too many people and the connection became sluggish, so we turned off our cell phones and the connection would clear up. It’s best to avoid playing while streaming something or by a tethered connection. Free wi-fi spots are probably not very good either.
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