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Speciaal DNterview: Charles Martinet

download (17)Daily Nintendo heeft de mogelijkheid gehad om Charles Martinet, de stemacteur van onder andere Mario en Luigi, te interviewen voor een speciaal DNnterview. Het hele interview is hieronder in het originele Engels te lezen!



> – You have done the voice of Mario for a long time. Did you ever considered stopping to voice Mario?

First let me say “Hello to all of my Friendses in Di Netherlands! It’sa me, Mario!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!”

It has been such a complete joy to have done the voice of Mario over these many years! I have such a great time! Every aspect of my work with Nintendo is a complete pleasure, from recording the voices for the games, to talking with media, to meeting fans at shows and launch events, to answering your questions for Mario fans like I’m doing here! It is all great fun! So I can’t imagine voluntarily stopping something that I love doing so much! I love contributing to people having fun with Nintendo Games. It is a profound honor to do what I love to do in life, and to get recognition for it…so i will hopefully be able to keep doing it for many more years!

> – And for what did you first voiced Mario?

I first voiced Mario for a real time animation system which was developed for Nintendo for a one time usage at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. I think that was in 1990-1991 or so… over 20 years ago. The system was developed by SimGraphics Engineering out of Pasadena California…
And I had no idea who Mario was or who Nintendo was… In fact, I was on the beach relaxing when a friend of mine called me up and said that I should go CRASH an audition to do a trade show in Las Vegas. I told him there was no way I would ever go to an audition without being invited… and I certainly never had in my entire career, before this day. Somehow he convinced me to go..and I left the beach and drove over to the audition… quite LATE… knocked on the door as I entered and ran face to face into the director and camera man! The camera was in the bag, and they were leaving! I stuttered and asked if I could read for the part…and the director literally looked at his watch and then me, and then his watch again, and then me… and said “oh ok… come in… we’ll set up the camera and you can audition. Now, you’re an italian plumber from brooklyn, named Mario..and you’re auditioning for a real time animation system… you’ll have these contacts glued to your face and the character will move when you talk…and you’ll fly him around the screen. We’ll have a hidden camera and microphone so you will see the audience, but they will only see the cartoon character…We have no idea whether the is going to work or not, but if it doesn’t you’ll still have to talk with people all day so you just make up a voice and make up a video game… and you start talking…about anything you want..and whenever you run out of things to say, that’s your audition”….


Well I had never heard of Mario and didn’t know anything about video games… I had played Pong and Space Invaders and Tank… and that was about it… and I thought “hmm…. Italian Plumber from Brooklyn….” and the first voices that came to my mind were rough and coarse..and I thought “I don’t want to do a voice that is mean, in case there are children”… I also have a principle that comedy should never be at someone else’s expense, and that is harder to do if you’re playing a tough guy… and I thought “hmm..well I could lighten it up and do a younger version of Gremio from Taming of the Shrew…”, which I had done a few years before…”make him more fun and joyful, rather than harsh and mean… but Video Games!? I didn’t knowthere could be a plot in a video game! I just thought you shot at things or bounced them off a paddle! And I was thinking away at what I could talk about and suddenly I heard the director say “ACTION!”, and i turned to the camera and said, in the voice you hear today in the games “Hello! I’ma Mario! Let’s make a pizza pie together!!!!….” and I made up this game where the viewer would bring sausage and I would bring other things to put on the pizza, and then I would bake the pizza and when it came out of the oven, I would chase the person with the pizza…and if I caught him/her they would have to EAT the pizza and then make another pizza with me and then chase me with it…and then we’d do something similar with spaghetti meatballs, lasagna, penne…and just about everything imaginable…

Now, I’m a playful person, and when a director says something like “when you run out of things to say, that’s your audition”… i am going to play with THAT! So I decided I’d just keep going… besides I was having a great time….I loved this character that popped into my brain…and was having fun being silly, making up dishes and chasing and eating… and I kept talking and talking and talking… for about 30 minutes…until I heard “CUT!!! Stop… Stop talking… there’s no more video tape. Thank you. We’ll be in touch”… Well for an actor, that is usually the kiss of death! “We’ll be in touch” means “There’s the door!”…and I said “thank you” and headed for the beach to see the sunset!

Well little did I know that when I left he called the Boss at Nintendo and said “I got our Mario. I found him”, and he only sent my tape to Nintendo!

Little did I know!

Soon I was flying to LA to get fitted for the helmet and test the equipment… and then..> CES!

Luckily, the people at the show enjoyed talking with Mario so much, that I was invited back for the next CES…and again and again… until one day I got a call saying that there was going to be a Mario game made with Mario’s VOICE in it…and that Mr. Miyamoto would like me to play Mario in the game! That was in 1996 for Mario 64 for the new Nintendo 64 platform! What an incredible joy that was!!!


> – Everyone has to retire sometime. Are there recordings of your voice for future games in case you retire?

Well we’ve recorded thousands and thousands of sound files for Mario games and events. I certainly don’t intend to retire for at least 25 more years…but if I ever did, I certainly hope that Nintendo would find a way to use the recordings for future games. I mean, they are so much fun. Why stop???

> – How did Nintendo came to you for the voice of Mario?

I mentioned how I crashed the audition that I crashed, but I can tell you, when I did that, I had no idea that this job would bring me so much fun and pleasure, last so many years, and lead to so many wonderful things! I have recorded over 100 games, and met fans all around the world…from the USA to Australia, New Zealand, the NETHERLANDS, Italy, Spain, Germany, the UK. It even brought me to South Africa! And I have met the most wonderful people! Mario fans are truly the BEST fans in the world!

And I have seen the characters evolve and grow…and it constantly amazes me how incredibly creative Nintendo is! I think the key is that everyone at Nintendo LOVES video games and so they create the BEST! And the Mario of 30+ years ago is the same Mario as today! I think that is a tribute to the incredible integrity of the creative teams at Nintendo all over the world, who love the characters and devote so much time and energy to make sure they are true to form and that everything they do and say makes total sense throughout the games and throughout the evolution of the characters over the years!

It is amazing how much work goes into a video game so that we can all play it and have fun! Imagine, every turn your character makes, shows you another part of the world you are exploring..and that has to have total integrity and make total sense with the other components of the game… it’s amazing how much work and how much creativity goes into every game… And the way you can pick up the game and play it without ever thinking about someone “working” to make the game so fun… is how you know that lots of people have!

I’m just the luckiest guy in the world because other people work so hard that my job becomes very easy! It’s like a cake that someone creates from scratch, and I come in and put a little frosting on with “Woo Hoo!” “Mama Mia!!!!!!” and “Here we go!!!!”… everybody else has done all the real work, and I come in and have some fun, and then people say to me “wow…what a beautiful cake you made” ! But I didn’t make it..the wonderful creative teams at Nintendo did. I just get to have fun! And I am grateful every minute for it!


> – We know you don’t voice just Mario, what are other characters you voice?


I voice Mario, Wario, Luigi, Waluigi, Baby Mario, and Baby Luigi… and then occasionally other people in the game if there is time and I can convince the producer to let me have even more fun!

I completely forgot that I played the voice of the Tour Guide and a couple of the Natives in Super Mario Sunshine, until I played the game! Then suddenly, I remembered exactly what time of day it was when we did them, and what takes they ended up using… Crazy that my memory works that way…but there it is!


> – Most Nintendo-games don’t feature a lot of voice acting. Wouldn’t you like voicing the Mario characters in a game with lots of voice acting?

Ha ha! Well you know there’s a character in Midsummer Nights’ Dream named Timothy Bottom, who is going to be in the play within the play, and in his enthusiasm to entertain the Duke, he volunteers to play all the parts in their little play! I think all actors are like that in a way. We are all enthusiastic and energetic and want to do everything we can to make it fun for people! But the actor needs to trust the process!

One thing for sure, when you have a great author, you can trust that he knows what he is doing. And I trust that Mr. Miyamoto and his Creative Teams know just the right elements to create the best experience for the Gamer, and to create the best games !

I LOVE Mario games, and I think they are awesome just the way they are. As a gamer, I wouldn’t want them to change!

If there was more dialogue, it wouldn’t create the same experience… And what is important is for the Gamer to have the greatest experience in playing the game! That is the dedication of everyone at Nintendo, and I’m certainly on that page.

I’ve done other games with lots more voice, and that’s fun too… but they aren’t Mario games!

1Mario Golf

> – How long before the release of a game do you have to have the voices recorded?

These are all very good questions! Well you know it depends greatly on the project and the producer and the timing that the producer and the Creative Teams would like for the game.

I think I’ve recorded voices as far out as 3 years, and as close to release date as 3 weeks…so there is certainly a wide range!

I have to say, I have loved every game I’ve recorded. Sometimes we get only scripts. Sometimes we get scripts and animations to watch, so we can put the voice to the animations. And we always do several takes of the scripts as written, and then we improvise. The sessions are so much fun because the people are all so great to work with! Ideas are flying and we all just have fun putting takes together. What fun!

> – Everyone has at least one favorite Mario character. What’s your favorite Mario character?

You know I love ALL the characters so much!

I’ve been playing Luigi’s Mansion 2 since the day it came out and am having so much fun with Luigi! I love that character and you really get to be with him and experience him up close and personal in the game. And it’s the “Year of Luigi”, so I’m looking forward to seeing a lot more Luigi in action! Ho Ho!!!!!

But I do have to say… when I wake up in the morning and know it’s going to be a great day, I say “Woo Hoo!!!!”… There is no character in the world like Mario! I love his sense of fun and adventure and fun! And some of the fondest memories of my life have Mario right there center stage… so i guess I would say Mario will always be closest to my heart…

ninetendo-3ds_1> – What’s your favorite console/handheld?

Well that’s easy! I LOVE my Nintendo 3DS XL!!!! I can’t believe how much difference that expanded screen makes! SO FUN!!!!

Playing Luigi’s Mansion on it… awesome 3D graphics, wonderful sound… it’s just really exciting!!! And Super Mario Bros 2, and ALL the games… it’s just such an exciting platform!

> – What was your favorite Mario-game?

Oh gosh, now that’s a really tough question! Every time a new Mario game comes out it is my favorite of all time! I remember when I first saw Mario Galaxy… I had goose bumps all over my body! And when I saw Super Mario Bros Wii, I laughed so much! I love every Mario Kart game, and Mario Party game….

It just amazes me how much fun they are!!!

I remember the first Mario Bros game I played on the SNES… I got the game in the morning…unwrapped my SNES and game, plugged it in, and played… oh… for more than 12 hours! I was just amazed how much fun!

And I remember the first time I played Super Mario 64 with the 3D graphics… I almost cried.. it was just so incredible to see Mario move in 3 dimensions…

So… every Mario game gives me so much joy! And so much fun!

> – What’s the magic behind the Mario series? Why has it become so popular?

Well I think it is a tribute to how much people at Nintendo all love the game and love the characters, and a tribute to the great teamwork of the Creative Teams at Nintendo, throughout the world who love the games, love their work, and who work so hard to make the games fun!

I think, when your motivation in life is to make the best, then that’s what you do! And I think that is a tribute to the people at Nintendo.

It’s a good life lesson I think. We should all do what we love to do in life! Follow our heart and develop our passions, make happiness a true priority, and build our dreams! It makes the world a better place…and when we do what we love to do, we can find greater happiness and fulfillment.

And i think that another part of the reason for the sustained popularity of the Mario series is the incredible integrity of the people who create the games, and of the games themselves. Everything in a Mario game today makes sense and follows the through line of the very first Mario game and every game in between. Everything is true to form. The Mario adventure of today makes perfect sense to us, even if we would never have thought of it! In every single Mario game, nothing has ever struck me as untrue to the character or untrue to the game, and that takes incredible diligence and integrity…and really keeping on top of things!

> – Do people recognize you on the street as “The Voice of Super Mario”?


You know, I have been recognized from in cities from Amsterdam to Auckland, from Brussels to Bangkok, in Sydney, San Francisco, in Heidelberg, Seattle…

It’s very sweet, and I am touched by it! Mario fans are the BEST! And I have only had wonderful experiences in being recognized. I am very moved that people say the nicest things about the impact Mario games have had on their lives, and about how much fun they have had playing Mario games.

> – Luigi’s Mansion 2 really shows Luigi’s personality. Was it difficult to voice Luigi for this game?

Luigi’s Mansion 2 was so FUN to voice! We had a wonderful few days doing the recordings. I got to hear the incredible music and see some of the beautiful moves in 3 dimensions! And we had so much fun…doing the humming part and the “hello’s” and “ciao”, and the frights and all the reactions throughout the game… Luigi is such a wonderful character! He is just so fun! I love that he is afraid, but he has the courage to go ahead anyway! That is genuine courage! And I love how in this game, you feel really close to Luigi… you really get to see his world!

I can’t wait to see what’s next!

> – What’s your favorite phrase of Mario?

Well it’s one of the ones i say every day…. Here we go!!!! Okie dokie!!! Woo hoo!!!! Let’sa go! Mama Mia!!!! Oh yea, Mario time! Thank you very much for playing my game! See you next time!


> – “Nintendo is kiddy” what’s your opinion about this?

Ha ha! Oh gosh, I think Nintendo is fun for everyone!

There are games very every kind of player, every level of player!

And I think Mario is fun for people of all ages. I can’t tell you how many people I talk with now..who are Parents!!! And they say “I remember playing Mario games as a child…and now I’m playing with my children…and they are more fun thanever!”… Ha ha… that kind of puts me in another age bracket, but there it is!

I do remember when Resident Evil came out for Nintendo… I would say in Mario’s voice … “Resident Evil. Woo Hoo!”… and “it’s just like a Mario game…only completely different!”…

There are so many games that are so very challenging…If you are a gamer, I think you know that Nintendo is not Kiddy.

> – Do you have to go all the way to Japan to record?

I’ve recorded 5 games in Japan! What a wonderful experience to see and work in Mr. Koji Kondo’s studio, where so much great music has been created! And to meet the wonderful people at Nintendo in Japan! What fun!

And to eat Japanese food, in Japan? MMMMMMM!!!!!!!! Incredible!!!!!

Usually, I record in Seattle…and it is also a wonderful experience! I fly up, and often we have a fantastic Sushi lunch, and and watch clips of the characters and talk about the game…and then we go into the studio, as happy as can be, and start recording.

I feel so fortunate to work with such wonderful people, and one the years we’ve become good friends and associates.

Hopefully we’ll keep recording together for many years!

> – What’s a typical day in the life of Charles Martinet?


Oh gosh, every day is different!

But i usually try to wake up and read for a couple of hours if I can. I love reading history and people’s personal accounts of their lives.

Then I answer emails… I do auditions and sometimes record a voice over at home, or to into San Francisco to record at a studio there.

When I can I ride my bike… it is a road bike and I am so fortunate to live close to the water and near a wonderful mountain that calls me to climb it!

I have wonderful friends and associates, and I often dine with them…

And I love to travel… I love the adventure of going to a new place, experiencing new language, culture, food, architecture, light, and life that each place has to offer. I find the world to be an absolutely wonderful place, and people everywhere are fantastic! I love to experience new cultures, and to re-visit places and people I’ve met along the wonderful journey of my life!

> – Do you want to say something to our readers at Daily Nintendo?

Oh yes! Thanks for reading, and thanks for playing and enjoying Mario games!

I will say to you what I wish for each and every one of you is that you live a long and very happy life and have lots of fun! I wish for you to do what you love to do in life, to pursue your dreams, follow your heart, and develop your passions, discover your joy, and live a very fulfilling life!
I feel so fortunate that I get to do what I love to do, and I wish that for everyone!

So, whatever you want to do, do it with passion and joy! If you want to be a voice talent or a game designer, do it with passion and joy! Anything in life…learn as much as you can, and then set yourself free to enjoy it. You may not end up to do exactly what you want to do- life almost never looks the way we think it is going to – but if your goal is to be happy and fulfilled, you will find a way to be happy and fulfilled…

Life is such a wonderful gift, and we have our whole lifetimes to unwrap it and enjoy it. But you don’t know how long life is, so don’t waste any time! It’s good to tear into the gift and to enjoy every day, to feel the emotions of life with great passion and wonder, and to live in gratitude and humility…

Be practical, yes… but also be free! Live your dreams… And don’t forget to give!

I really believe in expressing the love you have inside of you…in what you do, in who you are…

I don’t know if that sounds too “head in the clouds” , but I am very much an optimist and that’s how I feel about life: what a wonderful adventure!

And to all of your readers I say: Mama mia! You numba one!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Het was een eer om iemand zo sympatiek en inspirerend als Charles Martinet te interviewen. Charles… eh ik bedoel Mario en Luigi  hadden ook nog een leuke boodschap voor Daily Nintendo!

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