Interessante details over Mario’s nieuwste avontuur.
Deze week konden we je al het nieuws melden dat EDGE Super Mario Odyssey met de perfecte score heeft beoordeeld. Nu het spel van dit kritische tijdschrift een 10 heeft gekregen, zullen de verwachtingen ongetwijfeld nog hoger zijn geworden. Inmiddels zijn ook enkele interessante stukken uit de review opgedoken welke je hieronder kunt lezen. Zo wordt onder andere de vergelijking met Breath of the Wild gemaakt op sommige vlakken én wordt meer over Cappy gezegd zoals wanneer je deze nodig hebt.
Let op: onderstaande informatie bevat weliswaar geen hele grote spoilers, het kan wel net die informatie bevatten die je toch liever zelf zou willen ontdekken. Hou daar rekening mee voor je verder leest.
– There are 50-odd capture possibilites. ‘It pays close attention to the physics and handling of each of these new forms, making each one enjoyable to command’.
– The transformations ‘are not always essential, and in many cases Mario’s repertoire is enough to get by, though it’s often quicker or easier to make the switch. Sometimes you’ll bench Mario for the simple novelty of playing as something else’.
– ‘Even leaving Cappy out of the equation, our hero has been furnished with his most expansive moveset to date….it’s tempting to say Mario has never felt better in the palms.’
– Portable mode feels a little like a compromise compared to playing with Joy-Cons in separate hands, partly because it can be hard to make out distant targets on the smaller screen. The TV feels like Odyssey’s natural home.
– There are a clutch of stage-specific quests that offer more traditional, structured progression but generally you’re free to choose what you do next.
– ‘Not all activities are created equal but you’re never far from a brilliant new idea or a clever twist on an old one’
– Mario’s finest ever selection of boss fights.
– ‘The party continues in the postgame too’ but no explicit details. There’s some kind of spoilery stuff about references to earlier games
– ‘There is a lot of BOTW in SMO, from the chance to scout out potential destinations from high above ground, to the way the soundtrack often lets you acclimatise to your surroundings in relative quiet before the stage’s theme announces itself. But it’s most obvious in the way its environments appeal to your natural curiosity, sights and sounds teasing you away from your present path – and in its sheer volume of diversions.
– ‘Link may have more Korok seeds to find than Mario has moons, but not by many.’
– ‘Odyssey feels like a true reinvention of the sandbox platformer’
– ‘by giving you a broader number of ways to collect moons, it’s a game that’s more considerate of every type of player’
– ‘Peach, for her part, is no damsel in distress and her role expands in the post-game, although not in the way you might expect’.
Dit kan interessant worden…
“Peach, for her part, is no damsel in distress and her role expands in the post-game, although not in the way you might expect’.”
Zou ze een speelbaar personage kunnen worden?!
Of ze wordt de échte eindbaas, omdat blijkt dat het huwelijk met Bowser wél vrijwillig was en je haar droom nu hebt verstoord. En natuurlijk omdat je teveel zat te flirten met Pauline in New Donk City.
Me dochter en ik kijken zo uit naar dit spel
Zin in !