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Sony president looft Nintendo

ShuheiYoshida-610Nintendo heeft een compliment gekregen van de grote Sony President: Shuhei Yoshida. In een recent interview gaf hij namelijk te kennen dat de gehele game-industrie momenteel is geobsedeerd door – zoals hij het noemt – ‘military first person shooters’. Volgens Yoshida zorgt juist Nintendo ervoor dat – middels haar creatieve en unieke games – de game-industrie in balans is. Lees hieronder wat Sony president: Yoshida had te vertellen…

“I was very happy to get a very positive reaction when we announced LittleBigPlanet 3. We are concerned a little bit when we work on a game like LittleBigPlanet 3, about how people will react, because people want those big-budget, realistic, military shooters. But there were lots of cheers, a lot of affection.”

“And the reaction to Nintendo’s games in general, or a game like Splatoon. If you look at the whole industry, and you consider Nintendo, I think the balance is actually better than past years.”