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Switch Release Doom Eternal “Coming soon”

De Switch-versie van Doom Eternal komt eraan. In een interview met Gamereactor gaven ontwikkelaars Marty Stratton en Hugo Martin een update over de releasedatum, en de belofte dat het “net zo goed als Doom 2016” wordt.

Marty Stratton zei het volgende over de aankomende Nintendo Switch release:

“We’ll be talking about the release date pretty soon. We haven’t announced that yet – I can’t do that now. It’s really made great progress. Panic Button, the studio we work with on that, as I’ve said before they’re masters of the platform. … we released Doom Eternal on all the same platforms we released Doom 2016, and I thought that was a real feather in the cap of our tech team, and I think this will be the same for Panic Button and our engine team as well because it kind of starts with their core that gets passed along and the optimization that’s done. I think it’ll be every bit as good as Doom 2016 was, and I’m super excited for people to get it.

Doom 2016 on the Switch felt a little bit like an experiment – that type of game, the mature nature of it, and the first-person shooter, how’s it going to play? It was fantastic on the platform, so I think we’ll take another step with Doom Eternal coming out just because it’s kind of established itself as something that really does work on the Switch, and it’s such a big, fantastic game. We’re really not watering it down at all. People can expect the full experience.”

Origineel stond Doom Eternal gepland voor eind 2019 en zou de game op alle platformen tegelijkertijd uitkomen. De game werd echter vertraagd naar maart, terwijl de Switch helemaal geen release datum kreeg. Daar lijkt nu binnenkort verandering in te komen. We houden jullie natuurlijk op de hoogte!