Het is woensdag en dat betekent een nieuw weekoverzicht! Wat kan je deze week verwachten? Opvallend veel beelden van de Wii U- versie! Een gewaagde outfit van Zero Suit Samus en Ghirahim als assist trophy! Uiteraard is er nog veel meer, maar dan moet je wel even verder lezen!
Voor degenen die onbekend zijn met de formule: dagelijks deelt Sakurai afbeeldingen en informatie over zijn nieuwste project. Dit doet hij op Miiverse en Daily Nintendo biedt jou de gelegenheid om deze waar te nemen in een handig weekoverzicht. Zo blijf jij op de hoogte van de laatste nieuwtjes!
Maar nu laten we het woord over aan Masahiro Sakurai, de ontwikkelaar en bedenker van Super Smash Bros!
Pic of the day. Nightmare Wizard appears as an Assist Trophy! He will engulf the stage in darkness, and fighters will need to brawl blindly for a while. Look out for the effect before it goes dark, and play it to your advantage. Blinding and reversal effects even make the computer players mess up.
Pic of the day. Looking at the number of days we have left for development, it would be an impossible task to create this… That’s what I told my staff. But thanks to the determination of her female designer, these Zero Suit outfits got completed in time. From the ending of Metroid: Zero Mission, here’s Samus in shorts!
Here’s a look at the 3DS version. You can use the same outfit variations in both the 3DS and Wii U versions.
Pic of the day. The treasure chests that appear in Smash Run are very important. Not only do they give you stat boosts, but they also give you custom parts (the bag on the right) and Smash Run powers (the bag on the left). You should pick these up and use them in the next battle!!
…However, watch out for Mimicuties disguised as treasure chests. Run away! RUN AWAY!!
Pic of the day. “No, I’ll just beat you within an inch of your life!” Demon Lord Ghirahim makes an appearance in Smash Bros!! He’s an Assist Trophy, so he could conceivably back up Link, too.
Pic of the day. The 3DS version has an excellent Sounds collection! The design looks nice for a sound test screen, doesn’t it? The font color for the “Remix” text on remixed songs comes in pink or white. The pink ones are songs arranged for this version of Super Smash Bros., while the white ones are remixes made in earlier Smash Bros. games. This means there are reoccuring songs from past releases.
Volgende week weer een nieuw weekoverzicht! Deel jouw mening over de beelden in de onderstaande berichtensectie!