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Nieuwe type games bevestigd

IwataWiiULaatst hadden we onofficiële vertalingen uit de laatste investor meeting van Nintendo en vandaag zijn de offciële vertalingen verschenen. Deze vertalingen bevestigen dat Iwata met onaangekondigde games echt op nieuwe types doelde en dus niet opnieuw leven inblazen van oude game series. Hieronder de officiële vertaling hiervan:



 “However, we did not announce all of the games to be released during this period. Most of those who are interested in E3 are video game fans that are eager for information on so-called traditional games and we had a lot of information to be disclosed to such people. Therefore, we first tried to inform consumers of the software lineup to relieve those who might think that they should have waited to buy Wii U until more games were released or those who might be concerned whether the software lineup will be really be enriched in the future. On the other hand, when it comes to brand-new types of games, we have to announce them not too far in advance of the actual release dates in order to have a strong impact in the market and minimize the chance of others introducing similar or competing products. We are working on new types of games, but we would like to announce them much closer to their actual release timings for this reason.”


Hier de link nar de volledige investor meeting vertaling:
Volledige investor meeting Engelstalig