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DN Mini-interview: Jason Michael Paul

Vandaag hebben we een speciaal mini-interview voor jullie klaarstaan met niemand minder dan Jason Michael Paul.

De naam Jason Michael Paul zegt veel van jullie waarschijnlijk helemaal niets, maar Jason is de producer van The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses. Vanwege de komst van de concerttour hebben wij gevraagd voor een interview met Jason en hij stemde in. Het onderstaande interview is maar een klein interview, op de dag van het concert zullen we een uitgebreider interview met Jason houden.

DN: The Legend of Zelda had an enormous ammount of music, how do you choose what music to play during the performance?

Jason: “It’s always tough to narrow down such an incredible library of iconic melodies. Obviously we want to represent many games, and there just isn’t enough time for every song! The pieces we select are chosen to complete a proper four-movement symphony that takes the audience through a hero’s journey of their own. We do make some time for extra favorites, though, including the updated arrangement for Majora’s Mask, and the new A Link Between Worlds segment!”

DN: What is your best memory of the tour up until now?

Jason: “Every concert we do is different for its own reasons, owing to unique features of the venues, the local fans, and so on — but there’s a special moment that happens at the finale of every performance, when all of the fans (myself included!) come together to celebrate Zelda, and the cosplayers are there, and the crowd is on its feet. It gets me every time.”

DN: How did the Symphony of the Goddesses came to be and did you expect it to run for such a long time?

Jason: “I got involved with the Zelda Symphony at E3 2011, where we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the series at Nintendo’s press event with a musical performance. I think I knew, even then, that the concert could expand and grow and become an ongoing event. The series is still growing, and its popularity is still spreading, so the opportunity to share this intersection of gaming culture and high culture is only getting better.”



The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses komt 11 november naar de Heineken Music Hall te Amsterdam, met het volgende programma:

Gerudo Valley
Boss Battle Medley
Suite from Majora’s Mask
A Link Between Worlds

The Symphony:
Prelude: The Creation of Hyrule
Movement I: Ocarina of Time
Movement II: The Wind Waker

Intermezzo: Great Fairy’s Fountain
Movement III: Twilight Princess
Movement IV: Time of the Falling Rain