Home X Archief Wii U Nieuws Ubisoft denkt positief over Nintendo IP's

Ubisoft denkt positief over Nintendo IP's

Ubisoft Logo Daily NintendoNa al het negatieve nieuws over de Wii U (zoals gisteren EA weer), is het nu tijd voor wat positiefs. Alain Corre van Ubisoft denkt namelijk positief over Nintendo en haar IP's en dat ze met deze IP's vanzelf nieuwe gebruikers aantrekken. Wat hij precies te zeggen heeft kan je hieronder lezen:

“There are millions, tens of millions of fans of Nintendo brands. I’m sure you’ve played Mario Kart for hundreds of hours. I did too. There are so many great franchises that are still making people dream. We think these brands will stay with us. After that, it’s up to Nintendo to make sure that the machine can reach as many consumers as possible. We all think that they’ll be able to sell more machines in the future. They have some of the best IP in the world, and some of the best memories for their players. If you’ve played Smash Bros. in the past, you want to play the next one. So these brands have a future, for sure. It’s up to them to work on more communication to get the machine into more hands.”



  1. Jaah pikmin 3 doet het volgens mij al aardig goed of niet? En straks Mario kart 8 en super smash brothers en dan schiet de verkoop omhoog

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